Kyle finished the second coat of green paint in the laundry room today, so the walls are done upstairs. Except for our bedroom, but I think we're going to wait until next year when maybe painting sounds like fun again. White will do for awhile.
When I came in to help, he was just finishing that up so I got started downstairs with the gray in CP's room. It wasn't intentional, but his room looks like a University of Utah themed room, it will look even more that way when we pull the tape off and there are white stripes on both sides of the red. Hopefully he can covert- I think he might still be a BYU fan.
Then we headed to A's room to put the last coat on the black and yellow. When we were done we pulled the tape off... (These are Miami Heat colors)
Then we headed to J's room to finish the final coat of all three colors in his room. Jazz themed. I hope they appreciate how much work that was. They turned out pretty cool though.
Now we *just* have to paint the ceiling in the laundry room, the second coat of gray in CP's room, all the trim, the doors, and touch up the ceiling in all the places where we oops-ed. Then we'll be ready for carpet. :)
I didn't get a picture, but yesterday the siding guys came back and installed the rain gutters. It's chugging along.